Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do you think Haitians are whining over a tough day at work?

I have been really busy at work this week remodeling a bathroom. Banged up my knuckles, cut my arm and wrist really bad, spent to much money at Home Depot and my knees are sore. I am thankful to be working, and even more thankful to get back on my blog. I've missed you derelicts and your responses to my thinking. Although JD and LX haven't missed a beat.

There are 2 or 3 verses in the Bible that allude to the fact that God has implanted his knowledge in us. That wont mean much to anyone who doesn't put any stock in the Bible, but it made me wonder, this is why so many people still believe in God.

If God beliefs are bad and cause harm, then why haven't we evolved away from religion? Look how far we've come from the days of dragging our knuckles on the ground while pulling our "bee-otches" around by their hair and woopin them with a club when they got out of line. Now we wear socks that match our sweaters and hold doors open for our ladies.

These poor people over in Haiti right now confirm this. There are some blaming God. Some are praising God. Some blaming the Devil, some praising the Devil. But whenever these tragedies occur, people seem to sense a 'Higher Being".

How come we can't evolve away from this type of thinking? Could God have actually implanted his knowledge inside of us? (Ecc. 3:11, Job 32:8 and Rom.1:19)

Dueces, feeno


  1. Feeno-

    With all due respect, using your language, we are "evolving" away from this. Just that some people cling to what is comfortable- the crutch. A natural disaster is just that- has nothing to do with a higher being or God. Many religious people are very disconnected from how random and cruel life can be. Of course, they would factor God into this.

    "Like computer viruses, successful mind viruses will tend to be hard for their victims to detect. If you are the victim of one, the chances are that you won't know it, and may even vigorously deny it." Richard Dawkins

  2. Sure, He could have done the implanting, but He doesn't have to in most cases. Faith implanted by one's parents and community at a young age works just as well. Haiti is about 96% Christian (despite being the birthplace of voodoo), so quite a lot of ordinary childhood implantation goes on there. I'm hardly surprised at the religiously framed responses to this tragedy.

  3. The religious makeup of Haiti is..

    80% Catholic
    20% Baptist, and
    100% Voodoo

  4. Whatever the heck that's supposed to mean, those that aren't actually praying to God may be praying to their favourite loa instead, but the principle is the same.

  5. Feeno-

    God gave us *all the knowledge man. It was all in the forbidden fruit. Tasted "knowledgy."

    "I feel like maybe like I know everything. Ask me something, anything, go! Test me! Go!"

    "Where does the sun go at night?"

    "Pass. Next question"

    "Where do babies come from?"

    "Pass. Next question."

    "There's a snake on my foot."

    "In the form of a question!"

    "There's a snake on my foot?"


    "What do I do?"

    "I've got a lot of ideas. I'm bursting with ideas on the subject. You can... stick your finger in its hole. You know what you can do? You can eat it before it eats you. Eat the snake first! That's what my new brain tells me."

    "I'm gonna die a virgin."

    "Wait right here... I'm going to go eat more fruit."

    (The Forbidden Fruit scene from the movie Year One--cracks me up every single time.)

  6. Haiti is a colonized country. Period, enough said.

  7. The persistence of a particular human action does not indicate its importance to society. Rape, murder, torture, theft, prejudice... all exist in every culture. Do they serve some purpose, or are they merely a reflection of our imperfection?

    Is religion as bad as rape, murder, torture, theft, or prejudice? I would say yes only to prejudice, because both find refuge in the minds of people and are acceptbaly harmless until they drive an individual to act immorally. Even then, I would condemn the immorality, not the motivation.

    As for Haiti... it's a sad microcosm of what resource mismanagement and greed are slowly doing to the entire Earth. The aftermath of this disaster should also put to rest the "deregulation" obsession Americans have had since Reagan, but I'm sure the fact that the devastation was worse because of poor structural integrity will be lost in the tragedy and completely forgotten once the next celebrity mishap draws our attention back to triviality.
